Welcome to the

Wild Witches Coven

An online membership for women/vulva owners embracing their most authentic, empowered selves!

Welcome to Freedom, Healing & Radical Self-Love!

I’m so excited you’re here!

I’ve spent the last 20+ years supporting women and vulva owners just like you to embrace their authentic selves, create confidence, be self-led, and experience more ease and thriving body, mind, and soul.

As a neurospicy woman with CPTSD who’s overcome massive trauma and now experiences radical self-love, joy, freedom, happiness, and success on my terms I can say with certainty that everything you desire is possible.

Most of us grew up doubting ourselves, and our worthiness, and struggling to meet impossible standards which has impacted our health, well-being, and success.

There’s a better way to live free of the pressure and expectations!

Since you’re here I’m assuming you’ve been on a big healing journey and you’ve decided you are sick and tired of the struggle, self-doubt, lack of clarity, or resolution of the issues you’ve faced for years.

You’ve probably also struggled with things like gut issues, chronic pain, menstrual health issues, or autoimmune issues because there’s a huge link between that and unprocessed emotions/ADHD/trauma.

You’ve probably also struggled with managing your symptoms in a way that allows you to fully enjoy life the way you crave and achieve the success you desire.

My mission is to help you reconnect with yourself and your body in a more grounded, holistic, and empowered way that embraces your authenticity and aligns with the organic flow of nature.

I’m here to help you love every part of yourself including those inner parts that learned to shrink and people please.

That way you can tap into your inner magic and intuition to live a life unmasked and on your terms.

The best part is you’re joining a mission of over 20,000+ women and vulva owners to embrace your wildest, witchiest, most empowered self!

Watch/listen while scrolling to hear why I founded this coven and what you’ll get being inside:

Are you ready?

Use these links to easily check out the details!

Together, we’re building an empire…

Studies show that women and vulva owners who build close connections with one another live longer, happier, healthier lives.

In the right setting, we encourage, lift up, and cheer each other on while also providing the tender loving care we need in times of struggle.

We’re able to completely transform our lives when we have that level of support, and this coven is your space to receive it.

That connection is being matched with doing the inner work to take the necessary steps to build a movement!

Within the coven we’ll focus on topics like:

  • Building a relationship with the natural world and using the elements, season, and lunar cycles to ground, build holistic self-care routines, and ease pain.

  • Create more radical self-love by addressing body image issues, pleasure, and life changes such as perimenopause, chronic pain, and issues that affect our mental, emotional, and physical health.

  • Building confidence, self-trust, and acceptance by reconnecting with our inner child, embracing our rebellious inner teen, and addressing our inner critic to build a more empowered self-image.

  • Embracing financial mastery and learning to build healthier, sustainable relationships with money to create income that supports us and our dreams.

  • Stepping into career mastery by owning our worthiness, setting boundaries, releasing internalized pressure, and embracing your intuition and creativity.

  • Develop healthier relationships with friends, family, and yourself while learning to unmask and be your authentic, magical self!

🌙 The Value of a Coven🌙

👯‍♀️Connect with a Vibrant Community: Join a supportive community of witches from around the globe who share your values, beliefs, and aspirations. Connect with fellow members through the convenient app, receive support, guidance, build connections, and even schedule meetups online or in person.

🧘‍♀️Deepen Your Healing & Growth Work: Dive deep into somatic healing and embodiment work in a monthly workshop that will support inner healing, enhance your health and wellbeing, and propel you forward into a life lived on your terms. You impact the direction of this coven by voting on our monthly workshop topic.

🔮Experience Ritual Magic: Immerse yourself in the magic of our monthly full and new moon ceremonies, where we gather together to honor the cycles of the moon, set intentions, release what’s ready to be released, and manifest our desires. These sacred rituals provide a space for reflection, transformation, and spiritual growth.

📕Access Exclusive Content: Gain access to our online content library, known as the Wild Witches Grimoire, where you'll find a wealth of resources, somatic practices, and rituals to support your journey. The Grimoire is your go-to resource for all things healing, embodiment, and empowerment.

💃Participate in Community Events: Join us for virtual and in-person meetups, workshops, and events designed to deepen your connection with yourself, others, and the natural world. Whether you're attending a local meetup or joining an online workshop, you'll find opportunities for growth, learning, and camaraderie.

What’s Included:

  • 1 Monthly 90-Minute Workshop: Dive deep into transformative topics and practices with our monthly calls to awaken your inner strength and spark positive change. Experience somatic practices and yoga/sensual movement flows that celebrate your body and soul, ending each session with a renewing ritual.

  • Full and New Moon Ceremonies: Immerse yourself in the magic of our monthly full and new moon ceremonies, where we release what no longer serves us through a somatic practice, set intentions based on our aligned desires, and take time for ritual self-care.

  • Topic Voting for Calls: Have a say in the content of our monthly calls by voting on topics that resonate with you and your spiritual journey.

  • Online Content Library (Grimoire): Gain access to our exclusive online content library, where you'll find resources, practices, and rituals to support your spiritual practice and personal growth.

  • Convenient App: Stay connected with our community wherever you go with our convenient app, which allows you to connect with other members, schedule meetups, and access exclusive content on the go.

When are the coven meetings?

Workshops are on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 am EST. If you miss a meeting, don't worry—the replay will be available in our Grimoire.

Everything you desire is at your fingertips!

You've been investing so much into yourself — breaking family cycles, stepping outside your comfort zone, letting go of what doesn’t make you happy, and discovering what would bring you joy.

You've done so much work embracing the power of choosing yourself and it’s time to experience more of the love and support that comes from sacred sisterhood.

When you do that everything you’ve wanted for yourself becomes possible — a deeper sense of freedom, passion, grounding, clarity, and confidence to take big leaps in every area of your life.

This coven is the perfect space to embrace your independence and inner power!

Welcome to the Wild Witches Coven—a magical online space built on sisterhood, transformation, and self-discovery.

And the best part? It's all at your fingertips.

With our dedicated app, you can access a treasure trove of somatic practices, sensual movement flows, and empowerment tools whenever and wherever you need them.

You can also connect with other coven members, both locally and globally for meetups, networking, support, and celebration to build lasting aligned connections.

When you join the coven, you'll also have access to my wisdom, guidance, and resources.

Your investment in this coven is an investment in your desires, dreams, and vision for the future.

Are you ready to embrace the magic within and transform your life?

Join us in the Wild Witches Coven and let's embark on this journey together.

A Sneak Peek Inside the Wild Witches Coven


A coven with a big mission 💖

When I was designing this coven, I had a vision in mind.

I desired to create a community for women and vulva owners dedicated to liberating themselves by learning to step outside the roles they’ve been taught to play.

A space to receive support and permission to initiate the big changes they desire for their lives.

I know that when we’re connected to our bodies, the natural rhythm of mama Earth, and connected to a community on our same wavelength we become an unstoppable force!

Our intuition fires, our mind aligns with our desires, and we center on what’s most important to us.

We calibrate with joy, freedom, and the courage to become who we’re really meant to be.

I want a world of women experiencing that because we do so much good, feel so good, and create space for so much good when we break free.

🌿 My Methodology✨

Somatic Experiencing

We know from tons of research that the body holds unresolved emotions and traumas.

Your organs and brain are connected and when there are unprocessed emotions those organs keep sending alerts to your brain that you’re in danger.

Over time that throws your hormones out of balance creating physical illness and dysregulation.

That leads to things like gut issues, chronic pain/fatigue, menstrual health issues, autoimmune issues, struggles managing anxiety, ADHD, and AuDHD meaning you fluctuate between spiraling, shut down, and meltdowns when overstimulated.

Talk therapy focuses on a top-down approach to intellectually understand why you are the way you are, but it doesn’t help resolve these issues, somatics does!

Somatic Experiencing is an umbrella term for methods that work to bring awareness to what you feel within your body as it relates to your patterns to then release the impact of those patterns.

Our brain’s only job is to keep us alive so the idea of changing our beliefs and patterns scares the hell out of it.

This is why somatic experiencing is so effective for the neurospicy mind.

It rewires our neuropathways through the nervous system, so our brain allows us to shift the beliefs associated with our patterns.

That means it becomes possible to make changes in your life.

Creating new patterns and beliefs that allow you to have everything you desire feels safe and pleasurable.

Parts Work

A lot of us experience the frustration of noticing ourselves repeating particular patterns and feeling like a part of us is resistant to change.

This happens because nearly 80% of our patterns and beliefs about ourselves come from our formative years which means those beliefs are still subconsciously running the show.

Parts work aka IFS Therapy helps unburden those younger parts of us that learned to feel unworthy, not good enough, fear rejection and failure, etc. by helping them receive the love, safety, and acceptance they always desired.

That unburdening process helps ease the inner critic voice that holds us back and sabotages our success allowing us to integrate these parts of us in a loving, compassionate way.

Once we’re able to do that we can connect with the empowered parts of ourselves that have big dreams and the wisdom to make them a reality.

This entire method is designed to be a gentle process and it’s becoming gaining a lot of momentum in the trauma-healing world due to its effectiveness.

My unique method of Parts Work also infuses Sensorimotor Processing.

Because the body holds a blueprint of our wounds these parts often show up as a body sensation and can impact the health of our bodies as well as create pain.

We can use those sensations to connect with the parts while alleviating pain and discomfort.

Then we use movement exercises and grounding practices associated with our empowered selves to rewire how the nervous system responds to our desires and goals making it possible to transform your life!

Earth & Elemental Magic

What if I told you that reclaiming your inner witch—the wild, untamed aspect of yourself is the key to unlocking your true potential?

Think about it—how much were you taught about working with your hormones and embracing the natural cycles of your body?

Chances are, not much. And the sad truth is, we're still not having these conversations because we're too scared to talk about pleasure or what's natural and normal to experience throughout our menstrual cycles, as we age, or during times of stress and change.

The women who were healers, herbalists, and midwives in their villages carried centuries of wisdom in their bones. But sadly, these wise women were silenced to promote the idea that the leaders of the church knew better.

As a result, we were taught to turn away from the natural world that helped us maintain our health and well-being.

What if we embraced a more holistic approach—one that normalizes our experiences and addresses the root causes of issues like PCOS, Endometriosis, Vaginismus, chronic pain, and autoimmune issues along with all the stress and anxiety we deal with?

We develop more confidence and self-trust which allows us to stop living for others and start living for ourselves.

Imagine feeling so good inside and out that you can confidently talk to anyone, do anything, and be anything you want to be.

The lunar cycles, seasons, and elements are all mimicked within our bodies and when we start realigning with nature massive healing is possible.

Topics we’ll cover…

  • Emotional Release: Embrace your emotions and learn how to move with them and through them using somatic tools to release and reset your nervous system.

  • Supporting your Cycle: Learn how to better flow with your cycle to manage your emotions, intuition, and creativity to avoid shutdown and burnout.

  • Managing your Energy for Sustainable Growth: Learn how the seasons and lunar cycles are mimicked in your body to manage your day and time.

  • Elemental Self-Care: Use each element and its unique characteristics to flow between creativity and structure based on the elements to match your passion and mind.

  • Ritual Self-Care: Develop daily/weekly rituals based on the pillars of self-care: emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, social, and financial.

  • Reclaiming your Inner Child: Connect with the part of you that longs to play and experience more joy in your life as a means of freeing this part to allow success and ease in your daily life.

  • Embracing your Rebellious Teen: Develop a connection to the part of you that dares to be authentically you and rebel against status-quo as a means of building confidence to speak boldly and set boundaries.

  • Embracing your Body: Learn to embrace and love your body radically and powerfully and strengthen the relationship you have with it to release pain and walk taller.

  • Empowering your Wild Witch: Create a relationship with the version of you who’s learned to mask and develop a deeper connection to your inner wisdom and intuition.

Are you ready to join the coven?!

Get a 1-week trial to experience the magic, after that pay monthly or annually.

Pay Monthly - Supported

For those with limited financial resources who will benefit from community-supported access.

$44 monthly

Pay Monthly - Fair

For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay fair value for the experience.

$55 monthly

Pay Monthly - Rebalanced

For those with a desire to support access for others to help rebalance systemic inequity.

$77 monthly


  • The membership includes two monthly 90-minute calls led by experienced witches and spiritual guides, full and new moon ceremonies, access to our online content library (Grimoire), topic voting for calls, and a convenient app for connecting with other members, scheduling meetups, and accessing exclusive content on the go.

  • Absolutely! Our community is inclusive and welcoming to individuals of all experience levels. Whether you're just beginning your journey or seeking to deepen your practice, you'll find valuable resources, support, and guidance within our membership.

  • Even if you have limitations in movement and mobility you can still do any of the movement practices. I’ve had clients with rods down their spines, partial paralysis, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, and many other limitations that we worked around and with. I will always modify as needed.

  • You can connect with other members and participate in community events through our convenient app. The app allows you to join discussions, schedule meetups, and access exclusive content from anywhere, anytime.

  • Hell no! I just dedicated this space to us because there’s not really any out there. But if you’re a woman or vulva owner ready to take off the mask and embrace your authentic self and you wanna do that in a witchy community and we are your people!

  • To join the Wild Witches Coven Membership and start your journey of self-discovery and empowerment, simply click the "Join Now" button on our website and follow the instructions to sign up. We can't wait to welcome you to our magical community!

  • If Valerie is unable to host a live meeting due to illness, vacation, technical issues, natural disasters, or unforeseen circumstances, here's how we'll handle it:

    Pre-Recorded Meeting: If Valerie knows ahead of time that she won't be able to host a live meeting, she'll pre-record the session and post it in our private group for you to enjoy during the scheduled meeting time.

    Access to Grimoire: In the event of an unexpected issue, you'll still have access to our Grimoire, where all past meeting recordings are stored. You can catch up on missed content at your convenience.

    Please note: Valerie Schrader Coaching is not required to refund or reschedule any meetings, so be sure to take advantage of the Grimoire access provided for uninterrupted learning and growth.

  • You’ll be billed once a month on the same day each month. That means if you signed up on the 15th, on the 15th of every month your membership will renew. If you purchase the annual membership, it’ll be billed at the same time every year. That means if you signed up and paid for the year on January 1st then on January 1st it’ll renew.

  • Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time through the app. Life happens, so you don’t need to do anything extra, but I guarantee you once you’re in you’re not gonna want to leave. If you need to change which membership tier to pay for just cancel and resubscribe to the one that fits you budget.

  • Membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. This includes monthly and annual memberships. If you need to cancel, see the cancellation policy.

  • Not at all! Chose the plan that fits your budget and if you find that you can’t swing the Supported access but really want to join, reach out at thevalerieschrader@gmail.com and we’ll see what we can do to help you out.